Interim report from
Planetary federation humanoid observation team Gridlock 0-1
On subject: Earthling gridlock pyramid blossom hypersymbol eyeball eyeball snip
Urgency: low
Justification for expending further resources on continued observation: lacking
Situation: Subject is eliminating sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, tobacco and processed treats from his diet, but keeps forgetting. Had two beers (Stari Brno) with daughters last night. Shared sandwich (white bread) with birds this afternoon (does seem to have achieved success with tobacco, however) following an inspection by dermatologist who was interested not in his skin but in his subjective evaluation of the success of a skin medication she had subscribed (subject’s evaluation: ‘about 50 or 60 percent’) and in any side-effects such as headaches, depression or suicidal ideation, and whether any of these had been present prior to taking the medication and whether he was under treatment or care for the latter to which he said, no, he wasn’t.
Earthling gridlock pyramid blossom hypersymbol eyeball eyeball snip, during the inspection, ideated a conversation between himself and the skin specialist in which he tried to express the ongoing competition between depression and melancholy for his mind, and how rosacea had tipped the scales to depression, thanks to his intense humanoid vanity, for which reason he had looked up the skin specialist to see if any treatment was available, which it was, ironically with above-mentioned side-effects, together with an entire booklet of other side-effects.
Six of one half dozen of the other, in other words. But subject only ideated this conversation, being unable to actually hold such a discussion in the agitated, anxious state this particular doctor somehow engenders in him.
Subject then returned to his place of employment, ideating a discussion with a clone of himself over whether it was better to concentrate on being a person, or on a man, woman, or whatever else anchors one’s self-image – athlete, worker, clown, whatever. Discussion was inconclusive, although subject expressed a preference for personhood.
Subject briefly detected PF Observation team camouflaged as parasitic mistletoe in a large elm tree, necessitating deletion of 30 seconds of memory, which caused mild temporal disorientation (‘a sensation of timelessness,’ as subject expressed it in another ideation) but no serious lasting damage.