Results of the 2023 International St. Valentine’s Day Limerick Contest

Sorry, am I late? When did I say I would announce the winners? I went out to a tavern with my wife for some wine and smoked meats etc. It was very nice but really loud! Anyway here I am.
Anyway I hope you’re having a nice Valentine’s Day.
We had 15 limericks entered this year, by Perry, KayO, Tony, and Zissou.
It made me very happy to see that so many people out there still place such a high value on literature and poetic participation.
And everyone entered proper limericks, well done, people!
For secret reasons, KayO and Perry share first place. Tony takes second place and Zissou third. Congratulations!
Although I announced from the beginning that there would be no prizes this year, I had hoped to send (surprise!) homemade marmalade to the winners. Unfortunately, I have concerns about how well the jars sealed, from a food-poisoning POV, so to avoid botulism being the surprise, there will in fact really be no prizes this year.
Maybe next year!
Anyway, my sincere thanks to everyone who entered, and thanks to the millions of readers who visited to enjoy the entries, practically crashing our servers.
Now go and celebrate, or not, as is your way.

The contest is here (the entries are in the comments).

Winners of the 2010 St. Valentine’s Day Limerick Contest

First of all, thanks to all entrants in this year’s contest, and special thanks to A.C. Teathorn, who kindly agreed to adjudicate this year. Both the volume and quality of the entries makes judging a difficult job, and it’s always nice to have someone else do a difficult job.

Rather than single non-winners out for praise, which only risks pissing people off, let me say only that A.C. Teathorn and I agreed on the high quality of most entries and think you people are really great.

For the first time (I think, and I’m too lazy to check past contests, plus it’s Valentine’s Day and I have to go make waffles in a second) we have a tie for first place, which is the only place that will win an actual prize, seeing as how I am not made of books. So, without further ado, our winners:

Mr. TC: First Place, for the sweetest limerick of this year’s contest

Ms. MN: First Place, for being a genius, among other things.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

Mr. Cand Ms. MN, your prizes are as good as in the mail, as soon as I get around to binding them. Please email meĀ  your preferred mailing addresses.