All the best, people

to all the best people
hope something good happens today
hope this day is good to you
maybe something expected
like my kid and i gave each other climbing equipment
we had shopped for together
maybe something unexpected
like the doctor saying
“want me to remove that malignant
growth from your face right now?”
instead of waiting til the end of
which lowered everyone’s worry
levels for the holidays
all the best to you
the leftover roast beef is delicious
all the best to you
my daughter gave us all framed
copies of our weirdest chats
my other daughter gave us pillows
she had sewn from beautiful
fabric she brought home from africa
all the best to you
the cats don’t understand why they can’t
lick my face
all the best to you
pancake batter is mixed
and waiting for someone
to wake up


is all you need.

later, tater.

ps favorite sister-in-law just left. we killed a bottle of pink champagne. now i’m working on some becherovka in honour of some friends up north we’ll visit soon. in a day or so. so forgive me if i forgo drunken blogging for christmas.

all the best to you.