Navel Gazing

A play in one act.
Location: Mig’s home office.

Mig: [Talking on telephone, picking at navel absentmindedly, pulls out feather.] “WTF???”
Person on phone: “Bzzbzzbszz??”
Mig: [holds up feather in question] “I just pulled out a… never mind.”

[The end.]

6 responses to “Navel Gazing

  1. miguel

    now *that’s* a scary thought.

  2. That I could sneak into Austria and plant a feather in your bellybutton, or that I thought to claim responsibility?

    Maybe I paid off Gamma to do it…

  3. miguel

    More the former, although the latter is also interesting. I was just visualizing you sneaking into my house at night, planting that feather in my navel, and it creeped me out.

    (Nothing personal, Andrea!!!!!)

  4. I have been told I’m a bit of a freak, so maybe it should be personal… heh.

    Next time I’ll ask Gamma to put a groundnut there… or a modem.

  5. miguel

    Tell her cable!