Leisure II

There was something I was trying to say with that last post but, eh. I’ll have to circle around it I guess. This morning Alpha and I are enjoying a few hours of leisure. We dropped the kids off at friends last night and they won’t be back for a few more minutes, noonish. Meaning we had a morning to ourselves, meaning sleeping in and then lying around staring at the ceiling, hungover. At least one of us, I’m not saying who.

I always found hangovers most bearable with ice-cold Pepsi and old Star Trek re-runs or Elvis movies on TV with the sound off, Pink Floyd on the stereo. Now we have children, and no TV, so I try to avoid hangovers. But leisure. This morning wasn’t bad, sitting around, talking, with nothing much to do.

Soon the world will come crashing back over our heads so we enjoy this quiet. Well, enjoy is maybe the wrong word for a person with a bad hangover, I’m not saying who…

Last night we got to be adults for a while. We were invited to a friend’s for dinner. She cooked Thai food and served much wine. I just had a beer because I was driving. There was another couple there as well. The guy was an outgoing smartass, a lot like the way I act here on this site. It was interesting to watch. In person I am quiet, so we got along, no territorial pissing contests or anything.

It’s interesting being the only sober person in a room full of drunks. At one point Alpha told an emotional story. I decided not to interrupt because it was, first of all, a very good story, and second, I think it’s fine to talk about serious things in social situations, rather than try to stick to polite, innocuous topics all the time. Then they all got into an argument about something, I’m not exactly sure what and neither were they. For a while I played referee, saying things like, “well, on the one hand I agree with you, but I can see what he’s trying to say as well, and she has a good point…” but ultimately I gave up and concentrated on keeping my eyes open. My eyes get small after 9 pm.

Then we drove home. It was a good night. We weren’t exactly the house guests from hell, although we did initiate drunken arguments and we were the last to leave. I would invite us again, if I were our hostess.

And now we’re enjoying a few more minutes of leisure.

One response to “Leisure II

  1. pat

    I wonder how many people have a huge difference between their blog personalities and their real-life personalities.

    I’m a pretty quiet guy too. For instance, I’d never say “she’s a hottie!” or “chix diggit!” in reality. But I do in the blogosphere. I mean, why not.

    I’ll say chixdiggit somewhere and report back on the results.