
Leisure as a noun and not an adjective. Leisure not as leisure-time, time off work when you can take care of your private things, run errands and take busy vacations. Leisure as time empty of plans, goals and duties. The German word is “Musse” and believe it or not it’s less obsolete than the English expression, at least here in Austria. The freedom of bums and artists, or philosophers and mystics. Leisure as empty space filled by an expanding soul. Not the crushing depressive empty time of unemployment or boredom. A lightness, a mysterious space of discovery and experience and existence beyond language where life comes to you and stretches out at your feet.

2 responses to “Leisure

  1. pat

    where can i buy a can of that?

  2. sue

    By that definition, I’m planning a day of leisure this coming Tuesday, even though my yard needs perpetual tending and I have stuff to grade. But I have a dr. appt. in the morning two towns away, and one in the afternoon in the city. In between I shall go to the zoo and my favorite coffee shop. And, I shall read in the coffee shop, rather than work. I’m thinking of it as a secret vacation day.