Honest, this is not a cat blog

[Act I, Last night]

Gamma: What was Oma screaming about?
Mig: Mr. Evil ate her ham.
Gamma: Aha. That explains the high-pitched scream.
Mig: She hid it from him in her bag. It was wrapped in paper.
Mig: He climbed inside her bag and ran away with it, still wrapped.
Mig: We all chased him through the house. He hid under his sofa.
Mig: She couldn’t move the sofa so I had to. He was still unwrapping when I got to him.
Gamma: Heh.
Mig: She wrapped her ham back up and took it with her.
Gamma: Ew.
Mig: Might want to avoid eating ham at your grandparents’ for a few days.
Beta: [enter stage right] What was Oma screaming about?
Gamma: Mr. Evil ate her ham.
Beta: Heh.
Beta: That explains the siren-like scream.

[Act II, This morning]
Beta: What was all that yelling?
Mig: Eh, Mr. Evil ate your lunch.
Beta: [blink]
Mig: I made you a ham sandwich.
Beta: Wasn’t it wrapped?
Mig: Sure it was. I left it on the counter.
Mig: Stupid of me.
Mig: He’s getting better at unwrapping.
Mig: He left your banana.

4 responses to “Honest, this is not a cat blog

  1. D

    Evil, not stupid.

  2. Jann

    I remember seeing in a Russian phrase book about 40 years ago…a very important thing to understand if one visited the Soviet Union at that time:

    “I find your story rather difficult to believe.”

    My sisters and I had a good laugh over that. One might wonder if that could be applied to your title.

  3. mig

    That phrase could be applied to my entire blog, I would hope.

  4. Jann

    Actually… I did doubt a bit the likelihood of there being an Emotion drink called ass-concsiousness…

    But ocean dwelling creatures who are sad about the death of Robert Goulet and/or tired of running sushi…abstruse perhaps, but not difficult to believe.