Turn, turn, turn

Thank you, the light’s better now. Things were so purple along the creek last night – the haze, sage, the rain, the deep. The grass and ducks bathed in pink and the air vibrated with negative ions (remember: negative is positive!). We walked all the way to the train tracks in the next town and we got home feeling refreshed. And then this morning, the river covered in fog, the woods full of fog, the fields covered in it. And no time to wander in it because I had to go to work. Which, I’m not complaining. I like paychecks. Or, rather, the line on my printout at the bank machine that tells me I’ve been paid.

Someone once told me I was in love with my dick. I thought about that. In fact, it is like an old friendship with a buddy you tolerate because the friendship goes so far back. He borrows money from you and never pays it back, you go out drinking and he falls asleep and you have to carry him home, but you’re there for him, you know?

So summer is over. Good riddance. I am not a summer person. I do enjoy the laziness, and the sitting in the backyard part, and the lolling in the shade, but the sun makes me squint and is not good for my skin in a big way, thank you Ireland.

Spring is nice. Fall and winter, too.

The light. Such a sunset, and I had left my camera at home. Such a nice foggy, greyscale sunrise and I was driving a car.


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