Woman on subway platform, through mask: Rmpf rmf mm grmf.
Man on subway platform, in a big hurry to get on the train that is stopping because he has to ride it a lot of stops to catch another train he doesn’t want to miss and trying to remember whether he knows the woman or if she is confusing him with someone else: I beg your pardon? (but because he is wearing a mask it is also unclear.)
Woman: Rmpf rowr rowr grmf!!!
(Train doors open)
Man: I’m really sorry, I can’t understand you, masks huh, I have to…
Woman: (grabs man’s sleeve)
Man: …get on this train.
Man: (Pulls loose, gets on train, followed by woman, who he is increasingly certain he does not know)
Woman: Rowr rowr grmf rmpf!!! Rowr!!!
Man: (quickly walks length of train away from woman, until she is no longer audible)
Man: (looks at phone, watching reflection of train interior behind him, can’t see anyone rushing him with intent murderous or otherwise).
Man: (switches trains at appointed station)
Man: (finds empty seat, opens book, reads)
Tag Archives: communication
Rowr rowr
Posted in Das Gehirn, Metamorphosism
Tags: being accosted, communication, crazy?, facial recognition, mask, public transport, sane?, subway
Shakespeare on dating
Words, words, words.
William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II, Scene II
Alpha and I saw King Lear last Sunday, in the original German, at the Burgtheater, in Vienna.
Shakespeare, really something that guy, eh?
Klaus Maria Brandauer was Lear. He was good. Everyone was good. Even the actors where you think, they’re not as good as the rest, they turned out to be good, too.
Four hours just flew by.
Alpha arranged the tickets, and being Alpha, we had front-row seats. Also, being Alpha, in the intermission, when the aisles and hallways of the theater suddenly fill with people blinking like moles and looking for the restrooms or the buffets, she said, “I’m going to the restroom so you go get champagne.”
Being me, I went and got champagne. Slightly out of character, I got it quickly, which gave me more time to try to find my wife in the crowd.
An usher informed me I was not allowed to bring the glasses and champagne bottle (one of those little piccolo bottles that hold two glasses’ worth) back into the theater-part of the theater with me. She was nice about it, though, when I explained my lost-wife situation, so instead of asking ‘what, do lots of people throw bottles at Klaus Maria Brandauer?’ I got her to let me leave the drinks with her while I searched.
Of course I never found my wife, all intermission long.
I called her a couple times, but her phone was turned off.
Later, she called me and we had the where are you oh by the stairs i’m also by the stairs which stairs those stairs going up me too which stairs going up go to the stairs by the restroom now i’m by the bar how am I supposed to find you if you keep moving around? conversation. Then the warning bells started ringing and the usher suggested I drink both champagnes and head back to my seat. I offered her one but she didn’t drink on duty.
So I had two champagnes.
And saw King Lear up close.
Argue, argue, stab, stab.
Alpha was good-natured about the drink snafu, so was I.
When you have been together a long time, little stuff like that doesn’t rile you up. If it had been a first date, it might have been different.
Who knows?
Posted in Das Gehirn, Familie, Metamorphosism
Tags: alpha, burgtheater, champagne, communication, king lear, lost, misunderstanding