Thank you for visiting the 2020 International St. Valentine’s Day Limerick Contest. Entries are now closed! I am leaving comments open for a while for congratulations and well-wishes to the contestants.
Winner this year is dark-horse entrant Perry Iles. Congratulations, Perry.
It was a close decision, this year, between Perry Iles and runner-up KayO.
Thanks to Perry, KayO and Tim, who gets extra points for mentioning bergamot marmalade.
See you next year!
Welcome to the 2020 edition of the International St. Valentine’s Day Limerick Contest.
I remember when 2000 was the distant future.
Now it’s 20 years after that.
As always, please leave your entries in the comments to this post.
Enter as often as you like.
Please note the following: this year’s contest image, up there at the top, is Nosferatu, and I believe in the public domain, signifying that once again there will be extra points for HORROR, in keeping with the very stupid apocalyptican feel of current events. Ideally, the image would be mashed up with something gangster-related for the Klept/corruption theme going around too in current events, but honestly I couldn’t be arsed this year. But there will also be extra points for corruption.
This year’s themes (in addition to the above):
(Also check further down the rules for newer and/or more specific prompts/themes)
Obsolete arts and technologies
plus bonus themes to be added as the contest progresses
All participants are required to consult the combined FAQ/rules below BECAUSE THEY CHANGE WHILE THE CONTEST IS GOING ON.
Like every year.
- Does it have to be a limerick? YES. This is strictly enforced, and non-limericks will not be accepted. Google correct limerick form if you are not sure.
- How do I enter? POST YOUR ENTRY OR ENTRIES in the comments to this post. Click on comment, or whatever is down there, and add a new comment.
- When is the deadline? THE DEADLINE is 14 February 2020
- Do you mean 12 midnight on the night of the 13th or midnight on the night of the 14th? And which time zone shall have seisin of jurisdiction? We have had considerably confusion in the past! NINE AM (CENTRAL EUROPEAN TIME) 14 February 2020.
- Is there a prize? Maybe. I don’t know yet.
- Is there a limit to how often I can enter? NO. Enter as often as you like. The more often you enter, the better your chances.
- Can entries be bawdy? YES, absolutely. These are limericks, they can be bawdy, gross, you name it. It’s not required, but it is in the nature of the genre. ALSO: this is for St. Valentine’s Day so points awarded for love/romance/sex-related poetry. However, entries offensive to the contest operator will be deleted at his discretion, for offenses including but not limited to racism, and misogyny, and politics to which I object.
- Complaints and other negative trolling will be deleted. There is no avenue of appeal. Decisions of the judges are final. Be nice, and have fun, and don’t take this too seriously.
- Is there anything else I can do to be deleted? Yes. Besides complaints, anything else that is not a limerick will also be deleted, especially anything remotely similar to trolling, nastiness or disagreeing with me. That will get you deleted, and whatever else our technicians here can think up. This is meant to be a fun and light-hearted.
Let’s see, what else? Oh yes.
- Bonus points are awarded for any of the following (No limit to how many themes you may include, the more the better):
Embarrassing public clumsiness. Concussions, possibly and/or A Concussed History of Scotland. Mechanical problems. Slapstick. The definition of “apocalypse”: end of the world or revelation? Will Nancy Pelosi make bunny ears behind Trump’s head when he announces the Final Solution? (<--That joke originally seen in a Sandra Newman tweet). Reproductive strategies of insects. Diseases affecting the human brain. 19th-century theories regarding sex.
Entries in the DSM-5 (or, for those so inclined, the ICD-10). Time travel. Prosopagnosia. Earthworms. Anti-fascism. (From recent suggestions)
Summary, in limerick form, of movies based on Cormac McCarthy novels
More will be added as the month progresses
(More themes to come, watch this space.)
By entering you grant permission to publish your entry electronically on, in social media (including but not limited to, and anything else) as well as in book form, although the latter is REALLY unlikely, and has never happened yet, without compensation (this is a non-profit venture, and any possible, although unlikely, book would be, you know, for charity most likely). I have never published them anywhere but here, but who knows?
When sorting the good from the dross
You’ll find gems, and things not worth a toss
Dracula’s stuffy
Compared to young Buffy
Or scary Max Shreck playing Nos
Cormac McCarthy’s The Road
Could have lightened its cumbersome load
They’d have saved the long hikes
If they’d stolen two bikes
And rode out of trouble when it showed
There once was an Austrian fella
Who kept a dead whore in his cellar
It took him some pluck
To have a cold fuck
But it kept him from feeling so mela
To statistically classify disease
Is certainly never a breeze
But there’s some correlation
From nation to nation
Through coughs, colds and contacts and sneeze
Neurologist Oliver Sacks
Had a patient who fell through the cracks:
Thought his wife was a hat,
And with fearsome eclat
Declared, “She gives head to the max!”
They say I should look to the sky
And I suddenly realise why
A change in the climate
Affects every primate
I must trade in the Jag for a Pri
Young Greta tells me that the biosphere
Is the antithesis of a cryosphere
The days are now over
For my poor old Range Rover
And I must invest in a Prius
I fear.
Good times are going, they say
Rough weather is well on the way
Enough with this stuff
The sanctions are rough
As the price is far too high to pay
An idea came to Bram Stoker
To costume himself as The Joker.
For Batman, it’s true,
Like Nosferatu,
Needs a counterpart clown Midnight Toker.
Parthenogenesis works
In the insect world consequence lurks
Once they get you in bed
They bite off your head
Because insects are basically jerks
When shagging a mantis or ant
Keep your head’s what you usually can’t
They say viviparity
Is better than charity
So just keep your dick in your pant
Bergamot Marmalade
With water and sugar it’s made
Recalling ants last summer
That was a bummer
To the shopping list he adds a can of raid
I think it might be nice to die.
Eventually I plan to try.
No chores, just peace —
A soft release —
‘Scuse me, I’ll kiss the sky.
(Not suicidal, just gloriously lazy.)