- Huge fortunes amassed through lucky investments or unusual inventions.
- Lottery wins
- People who resemble you, only older, accosting you on the street with advice.
- Assassinations
- Hitler getting beat up a lot as a child
- Serial killings of similar-looking people by assassins from the future with only approximate descriptions of their target.
- Teddy Roosevelt prevented from annexing Mexico
- Eradication of smallpox
- Beyonce Knowles
- What else?
Tiny subtle changes (Twin Pines – Lone Pine) that reward frequent viewing/re-reading.
Rules designed to cover up some gaps (they can only travel naked) that of course leave other things exposed (then… why not implant weapons under the skin?).
Kubler-Ross levels of interactions with those rules (BUT IF THEY CAN X WHY CAN’T THEY Y??? I am distraught!)