Actually, I’m more a dog person, actually

At Breakfast:
Unidentified Woman: Bzzbzbzbzzzzbbbzzz.
Unidentified Man: Bzzbzbbbbzzbzbzbz.
U.W.: Okay, get me some milk for my coffee and I’ll clean up the cat vomit. Also I have to leave early to drive your car to the mechanic.
U.M.: Deal.

U.M.: Okay, I’ll go wake up Beta too. [Walks past alleged vomit] Hey, that’s not so bad. Just scoop that back into the dish and the next cat won’t notice a thing.
U.W.: Lalalalala.
U.M.: [Looks at watch] Gah.
U.M.: Really time to go, girls.
U.M.: Really, let’s go girls. All ready? Great. Out to the car.
Unidentified Cat: [On Roof of Neighbor's Garage, plaintively] Meow.
U.M.: [sputters] Gah.
U.M.: Here, Gamma. Up on my shoulders. Just grab his furry little ass when he comes to the edge. Kitty-kitty.
Unidentified Little Girl: Moritz. [Hugs cat, then lets cat go again.]
U.M.: Got him? Geeze. Just grab him the way you carry him around when you’re tormenting him normally in the house. Don’t pet him. Grab him.
U.L.G.: I can’t.
Unidentified Big Cat in House: Hurk-hurk-hurkhurkhurkhurk.
U.M.: Oh for god’s sake, just grab a piece of skin and hang on.
U.L.G: I can’t.
U.M.: Okay. [Sets her down] Beta, climb onto my shoulders.
Unidentified Big Sister: No way, I’ll hurt your back.
U.M.: You’d only hurt my back if I bent over to pick you up. Here, climb onto the stairs and then onto my back.
U.C.: Meow. Heh.
U.B.S.: No.
U.M.: [Points to stairs and railing, imperiously] Do it now.
U.B.S.: It’s your back. [Climbs onto dad's shoulders] How’s that? That okay?
U.M.: [Feels spinal column compress like concertina] Fine, no problem. Now grab him.
U.B.S: [Snatches cat.] Remember when he got stuck in the gutter?
U.M.: We’ll do a capture and release. Let him go on the front step there. Great. All ready? [Packs everyone into car, drives away.]
[Later at day care]
U.M.: Where are your gloves, Gamma?
U.L.G.: You forgot them, I guess.

7 responses to “Actually, I’m more a dog person, actually

  1. D

    It was less confusing to follow when they were Alpha, Beta and Gamma…

  2. Liar. It was never not confusing.

  3. how could you forget the gloves? *shame*

  4. Sue

    did the cat barf get cleaned up?

  5. miguel

    1. All cat barf gets cleaned up.
    2. Sooner or later.
    3. I found the gloves later.
    4. In my pocket.

  6. you KNOW if you just leave the cat barf another cat will take care of it FOR you…