
Miguel: Do you ever feel like just living in a hole in the ground, and just eating the worms that crawl through the walls?
Alpha: Do you want milk in your coffee?
Miguel: With like a section of plywood for a roof, and when you want light you just slide it back a crack?
Alpha: This song on the radio…
Miguel: Lenny Kravitz…
Alpha: Is that… what is that, is that rhumba? Foxtrot?
Miguel: You know, they stick their heads through the wall or whatever they have and you just yank one out and eat it.
Alpha: Rhumba, how’s that go? Long-short-long-short? Is that the one where you go around in a box?
Miguel: You could bring me a cup of tea at night before bed.

6 responses to “Friday

  1. Such conversations for breakfast!

  2. Miguel

    The week, she has been long.

  3. kd

    living in a hole in the ground and eating worms has a certain appeal …

  4. miguel

    or under a nice bridge, maybe, wrapped in untanned hides.

  5. D

    Who’s that trip-trapping over your bridge?

  6. haha, this reminds me of david and kim conversations while david is on the computer:

    k: (tells story about a silly thing that happened during the day)

    (kim finishes talking and hears crickets in the silence that follows)

    k: hello?
    d: oh yeah. yeah.
    k: did you even hear what I said?
    d: yeah, you said hello.

    heh. well, not really the same, but still.