Parenting styles

Like with everything else we do, my perfect wife, Alpha, and I have different styles in parenting, although we agree on most things, like kids need love, and structure but don’t overdo it etc. Like with everything else, it boils down to her being more successful at coping with this matter of being human and living in a society, whereas I tend to get freaked out, or be forgetful.

This morning, for example, she reminded me numerous times not to forget Gamma’s bag when I took her to daycare (I leave for work several minutes before Alpha does, and drop the kids off). I assured her that, yes, I would not forget the bag.

Who was standing in the doorway as we drove out the driveway, naked, waving a forgotten bag? Alpha. “Don’t forget to tell them at daycare that another parent is picking her up to take her to ballet class,” she reminded me.

Later, after dropping the kids off, my cell phone rang. It was my wife. “Did you tell them someone else was picking her up?” she asked.

“Feh,” I said. “Could you call them and tell them?”

Sometimes I remember this stuff, sometimes telling me is a pure waste of information.

On the other hand, I nearly have Gamma convinced that she’s gradually turning into a mouse.

3 responses to “Parenting styles

  1. Actually, in this instance, I think you win. Convincing your child of incipent rodenthood is much more impressive than remembering vital facts. Plus, you got Alpha to run to the door naked. Surely that counts for somthing.

  2. miguel

    heh. good point about running to the door naked. i’ll have to see what else i can get going in that direction.

  3. Deb

    this happens to michael and i *all* the time. (except for the, ahem, running to the door naked bit)

    i’m much more capable than him of keeping a lot of details floating around simultaneously in my mind. it’s the ol’ multi-tasking thing, isn’t it.