Rebutting Democrat criticism of W.

George W. Bush et. al.:
Allowed September 11 terrorist attack to succeed by ignoring numerous warnings and failing to take precautions against hijackings
–That’s a pretty serious charge. What were they supposed to do?
Planned to invade Iraq with 250,000 troops, without Congressional Declaration of War as required by the Constitution
–I thought the Constitution was about my right to buy Playboy and bear arms?
Threatened seven nations with nuclear war

–Seven eeeevil nations.

Promised America “perpetual war”
–War is peace.
Let Osama Bin Laden escape from Afghanistan
–Have you ever seen that place? Fucking mountains everywhere!
Failed to catch the US weapons scientist responsible for the Anthrax terrorist attacks
–He’s on our list, after Saddam, we promise.
Attemped military coup d’etat to overthrow populist Venezuelan president
–Yeah, well.
Enacted an unaffordable tax cuts for corporations and the rich, and then lied about its effect on federal budget deficits
–Why do you hate America?
Returned to massive budget deficits by cutting taxes for the rich
–Economic stimulation!!
Raided Social Security Trust Fund despite his repeated promises that he would not do so
–Read my lips.
Cut health care despite firm promises not to do so

–Health care is inefficient.
Made global warming worse by opposing conservation and promoting oil drilling
–Some scientists question the global warming model…
Undermined efforts to protect clean air, water, and national parks
–What’s more important, an SUV or a snail darter?
Sabotaged key environmental and arms control treaties
–Sabotage schmabotage.
Helped Enron steal billions from California consumers
–That hasn’t been proven yet. Has that been proven yet?
Created a secret Energy Task Force under Dick Cheney, and refused to comply laws requiring disclosure of its activities
–Then it wouldn’t be secret anymore, would it?
Established an unconstitutional shadow government without notifying any Democrats
–They lost the election, dude! Well, I mean… Al Gore isn’t President, at any rate!
Appointed business executives who engaged in massive fraud to top positions – including Dick Cheney (Halliburton) and Tom White (Enron)
–Well, at least Bush isn’t getting blown by his aides in the Oval Office.
Appointed Iran-contra criminals to top positions, including Elliot Abrams and John Poindexter
–Whitewater! Whitewater!
Detained nearly 1200 people without charges in violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments

–That Hillary, isn’t she one bitch?
Authorized government surveillance without warrants, including telephone wiretapping and e-mail interception
–Dude, sex in the White House, Clinton had sex in the White House!
Appointed right-wing judges who oppose the Bill of Rights
–Did I mention Whitewater? Shady as they come!
The Bush brothers were involved in massive, zillion-dollar losses in bank failures, real estate fraud, etc etc.

4 responses to “Rebutting Democrat criticism of W.

  1. 69 percent approval rating trumps anything else, I guess.

  2. francis s.

    I’m so glad I’m not living in America because I would’ve died of a stroke sometime in the past year…

    (Uh, have I mentioned this before?)

  3. I’m listening to the radio, and just heard that someone was comparing W. with Hitler. Hey, I was going to do that in my blog… Too late. Well, nice one, anyway, Mig!

  4. miguel

    Well, but don’t forget, Hitler was elected.