
[I stumbled across this old post in my archives and thought it was so absolutely brilliant I just have to share it with you again]
Shaving is such an odd thing to do. That thought occurred to me this morning while shaving. I don’t mind it, it’s just such a weird thing to do. I suppose it all started when we were cavemen, like most things, we probably shaved the whole body back then for the evolutional advantage that provided, less air friction = better hunting success etc. Then as we got busier and busier, we had less and less time and shaved less and less. By the year 2000, we’ll all have beards we’ll be so busy. And computers will be so small they’ll fit on your desk, and everyone will fly a helicopter to work.

2 responses to “Shaving

  1. brilliant! everything you’ve predicted has come true! Miguel, you’re amazing!

  2. kd

    shaving is far overrated. for proof of this, see, my legs.