Back-to-school special

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6 responses to “Back-to-school special

  1. D

    They’re going to take away your Fatherhood-permit any day now.

  2. mig

    They’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

  3. “sAran Warp”? On days like today, when my imagination obviously isn’t dirty enough, I wish the bug were a bit less legasthenic. What is “sAran”?

  4. mig

    Coincidentally, the Bug spelled that particular word right. It’s a brand of… of… that clear plastic stuff you wrap things in. Food, for example.

  5. BKO

    “Dad, What’s A Fetish?”

    You know, The Bug has been on hiatus for so long that I was afraid he’d curled into a little ball and dried up in a windowsill somewhere, but it looks like maybe Mig is getting ready for a…

  6. adam

    ‘cling wrap’, for other cultures, perhaps.