8 responses to “Do you speak Manglish?

  1. paul

    I only got 10, but I think I got mixed up in the layers of “well she would know I said this because I think she wants to hear it, so I really should say this other because that would be more plausible to her, although it’s no more true for me than the more implausible line”.

    I’m probably too deep a person for a magazine quiz. (which translates as, I can’t be bothered to figure out what women want, and I’m already married so why bother?).

  2. Wait, I got 12 out of 15 and I’m a great big homo. Does this mean I’ve been repressing my heterosexuality all these years?

  3. D

    I’m leaving a comment here before going to do the test to say that I always knew you were the perfect partner.

  4. D

    Now, having taken the test and seen what drivel the questions were… oh and being a bitter and twisted recently dumped man, I am not at all surprised that I scored 3.

  5. mig

    I’m just hoping Alpha reads this post.

  6. mig

    Francis, in your case I would suppose it means you’re empathetic and good at communicating. In my case it means I’m good at figuring out on-line tests.
    Thanks for the nude pics, BTW. Great six-pack!

  7. Drakona

    Having scored 8, I somehow get an eerie feeling that this could explain a thing or two about the constant state of confusion I’m experiencing…

    I sort of hope I got real life confused with previous knowledge of this kind of test, and what they usually want you to choose… (kinda in line with my suspicions towards IQ tests and testing in general – it’s mostly about knowing how to take a test, not about really knowing/understanding stuff)

  8. Jim

    Hah! I got a 13 also. I have to say that it is part being good at figuring out what the agenda of the test is, but it is also partly having been married for 25 years. Having faced most of those questions/situations more than once, I have learned through a process of eliminating my wrong interpretation what most of those actually mean. I’m sure the same is true of you. (Besides, you have three females in your household. You have to be able to correctly interpret what the female means if only for self-preservation! *grin*