
Beta has made good on her threat and started a blog of her own.

8 responses to “Betaversion

  1. She is SO on my blogroll!

  2. John Emerson

    Does she have a concept of blackmail?

  3. Corporate graphic design :-)

  4. mig

    So you noticed the family resemblance, Novala?

    John, suppose so. That’s why I’m hosting her, so I can pull the plug if she gets too cheeky.

  5. Suzette

    Not just started a blog, but allows you to link her! My daughter writes one, too but has a strict policy against linking her because she is firmly against click-throughs from the “self-deluded middle-aged readers” of mine. Whatever could she mean by that?

  6. kay

    she sounds smart and funny and charming.

    must be her daddy’s girl.


  7. wow! she writes better in English than I can. Good stuff!