
Going to the local ball tonight. Wish me luck. More later.

7 responses to “Ball

  1. TH

    You know you’re incurably curious when you take this information and the information “west of Vienna” and try to find out where a blogger lives ;)

    (And get at least one possible hit)

  2. TH

    Oh, and do have fun.

  3. You know the rules — home before midnight or the Dobro turns into a pumpkin.

    (though that might be an improvement)

    Tell Cinderella that Charlotte says “Hi!”

  4. mig

    Eh, we took my wife’s car because it was cleaner inside. Hate to get crumbs and stuff on ball gowns. Got home two-ish. Oddly enough, the Doblo turned into a pumpkin anyway. Pulled by eight white mice. Which is an improvement.

    Cinderella says hi, Charlotte.

  5. mig

    Oh, and TH, don’t tell!

  6. TH

    I wouldn’t, and I’m very probably wrong anyway.