Looking for a harp in France

Beta is going to France at the end of the month. She will be staying with a family for six months, as an exchange student. We are not only excited about the usual things, we are also looking for a harp for her to borrow or rent while she is there so we don’t have to ship hers from here.

Last night we were googling around trying to find something and turning up articles on Islamic law written by someone named Harpe and things like that. No idea what else we found because I don’t speak French (yet: I bought a teach-yourself-French course Wednesday and started listening to the CDs in my car this morning). Overall it was a pretty funny evening, us fighting over the keyboard, the mouse, and which search terms to use and what to put in quotation marks.

If any of you have an idea where to look, or at least which search terms to use, I’d appreciate any advice.

7 responses to “Looking for a harp in France

  1. location harpes site:.fr ?

  2. freya

    In Paris or elsewhere?

    Try: location, instruments de musique + (name of town)

  3. Can’t you ask her host family for ideas/suggestions/help??

  4. Have you tried Craiglist for Paris?? It’s a great service and you never know…

    Good luck

  5. mig

    Yeah, if she goes for at least 6 months she doesn’t have to make up the lost time in school here.