Scientific, comparative international study of sexual habits, part II

By popular request, the cunnilingus poll. As with the fellatio part of the study, readers are asked to conduct polls of their friends and acquaintances and report the results to Feral Living, which will then publish the results of the international study. Thanks in advance.

About the poll: since the fellatio poll turned up no significant difference in preferences between Americans and Europeans, that variable was excluded from this poll. However, you are free to specify your nationality in the comments below.

What about cunnilingus (giving)?
Love it, love it, love it.
It’s alright if nothing good is on TV.
Hate it.

Other (leave comment).

Scientific, comparative international study of sexual habits, part I

There has been heated public debate in Europe recently over the differences between American and non-American sexual habits. As a result, I volunteered to participate in a scientific international comparative study. Much to my dismay, my contribution in this case consists of polling my readers, since Feral Living has a readership uniquely split between Americans and non-Americans (primarily Europeans).

The first poll compares American and non-American (we’re talking culture and not race here) attitudes towards performing fellatio. To avoid skewing the results, please respond to this poll only if you actually pursue a lifestyle where sex with men is conceiveably on your agenda. The format of the poll did unfortunately not allow a third category of non-European-non-Americans. If you belong to neither group, please answer the poll anyway and leave a comment detailing where you come from. Likewise, feel free to comment and supply any information you feel is lacking in the poll.

Thank you for your contribution to scientific progress.

Fellatio poll
Fellatio (performing, not receiving)
Love it (American)
Love it (European)

Tolerate it (American)
Tolerate it (European)
Hate it (American)
Hate it (European)

Logic and emotion

This post makes no claim to scientific correctness, and is sappy, and it would be appreciated if any expert reading this could point out factual errors.

It has been said that reasoning and logic are what make humans superior to other animals, and that this is a result of the cerebral cortex being larger and better-developed in the human brain. Besides the fact that I consider this “superiority” questionable depending on how you define it, the animal with the largest cerebral cortex in relation to brain size is some anteater, I think in Australia, which is not especially famous for its intelligence or reasoning abilities.

We face a flood of sensory input all the time. The limbic system – associated more closely with emotion than reasoning – is the part of the brain that prioritizes this information, that filters out of the flood the bits that are most important, which only then is forwarded on to the cerebral cortex or wherever for further identification and processing. From which I conclude that emotion is our primary connection with the world, not logic, not that logic isn’t very important.

Which makes sense from an evolutionary point of view. Two people are standing on the curb, taking a step into the street. They receive sensory input. One filters it through a system that requires initial reasoning before any reaction – “large, heavy, dark object approaching at a high rate of speed; appears to be made largely of metal, which is hard, harder than I am… it is not stopping…” It would take seconds for any reaction, whereas the other person just goes, “holy shit!” and jumps back in time, even before identifying the object as a bus.

I believe that our emotional state, the emotions that control us when we are filtering information and then, later, processing it and reasoning, are extremely important. And that is why the level of hatred I see everywhere disturbs me mightily, because hatred precludes reasoning, it is a substitute for rational thought, whereas love allows it. You can’t be fair to someone you hate, while you can be fair to someone you really love.

Forgive me if this sounds unforgiveably sappy and naive, but it has to be said. Killing is wrong. Hatred is wrong. Cruelty is wrong. Disrespect is wrong. What part of that is so hard to understand? There is a tone of hatred in public discourse in many places and media that I find frightening. At the same time, maybe in reaction to this, I have seen more of the opposite lately as well. People preaching kindness, people being kind, and that is a comfort and gives me hope. I’m on their side.

Tooth fairy

Gamma’s lower left incisor was loose. This was very important to her since she wants badly to go to school and any sign of maturity is welcome – learning the alphabet, counting to 100, wiping her own butt, losing baby teeth.

Gamma was asleep in bed last night and the rest of us were sitting in the kitchen talking. Alpha told me to remove the pigeon wings from the back yard where the cats had left them. I said I’d do it in the morning when it was light and besides, maybe they were angel wings. Beta said, “or the tooth fairy!” She said it with the necessary diabolical tone in her voice and she and I had a good laugh, aware that we could never say such a thing in earshot of Gamma, for whom the tooth fairy is a new and fascinating character she is looking forward to meeting.

So we were in a big hurry this morning. I was brushing Gamma’s teeth and somehow remembered her loose tooth and checked and all that I saw was a new gap. Naturally, as an experienced father, I panicked. I closed the drain and had her spit and luckily there was the tooth. It would have been tragic if she’d spit it down the drain or swallowed it.

She’d been very afraid of swallowing it. “Are teeth poisonous?” she asked us.

She was proud of losing her first tooth. It was not easy to get her away from the mirror, where she stood admiring her new gap. I had to lure her away by telling her to show the tooth to her mother and put it under her pillow. Then I got her out to the car by telling her we had to leave so the tooth fairy could come and leave money, and also by pointing out that she could go tell everyone in daycare about losing the tooth.

“I’m mature!” she tells everyone she sees. I’m worried she’s a little too mature, she’ll only be 5 next month, this seems early to be losing baby teeth. But I think I remember her big sister Beta losing a first tooth early, and then a long time elapsing before she lost any more…

Why does this sound stupid?

“Business pros flock to weblogs”
I don’t know, it just struck me as dense somehow, mass media pros “discovering” weblogs.

What do you think?


It’s back! After months of gruesome strenuous preparation and toil the Feral Living Shoe Project has been moved to a site of its own and is now open for business. To participate, send me a 150×150 jpeg image of your shoes along with your URL and a short text to go along with the photo (description, anecdote, etc). If you want to link to the Project, you’re welcome to use this banner above, but please put it on your own server to save me bandwidth.

And to those of you already participating – if you want to change the text currently alongside your picture, or use a new picture, just send them to me and I’ll make the change. And if your pictures got lost during the move, sorry, resend please.

Last but not least, thanks to kd for doing all the work and hosting.