How to punk yr dad

(Note: this works best if you live near Vienna)

Timing is essential, so wait until your mom is out of town on business, your dad is real busy with a conference and hungover from drinking with the distinguished delegate from the U.K. and being a general worry wart from trying to keep things organized in wife’s absence.

(Note: PS this is based on the method of team predation illustrated in the scene in Jurassic Park where the two raptors punk the dinosaur hunter guy.)

Dad: (text message) Be sure and let me know when you are on your way 2 yr sister in Vienna and when u will arrive

Dad: (couple hours later, phone call) Any idea when your sister is arriving?

Beta: No. I’ll let you know, though.

Dad: (later, calling Gamma) When are you going to visit your sister?

Gamma: I’m on my way.

Dad: You’re on the train?

Gamma: Yeah.

Dad: Your grandfather drive you to the station or did you take a taxi like you were talking about?

Gamma: He drove me.

Dad: Okay. Let me know when you get there.

Gamma: Okay.

(2 hours later)

Beta: (text message) Wasn’t Gamma supposed to come in to see me today?

Dad: (WTF!!!) (Calls Gamma, no answer) (Calls Beta) WTFWTF?

Beta: She’s not answering my calls.

Dad: !!!

Gamma: (text message) Where is Ceska Velice?

Dad: (Text message) Czech Republic

Dad: (Picking up distinguished delegate from U.K. at the UN.) You’ll never guess where Gamma is.

Dad: (Calls Gamma) So.

Gamma: Hi.

Dad: Fucking Schengen. In the good old days they would’ve stopped you at the border w/o a passport.

Gamma: There’s another train out in half an hour. My school pass should get me back into town. There’s an advent market here, want anything? Should I get you a gingerbread heart.

Dad: (Thinks: She’s such a sweety)

Dad: (to distinguished delegate from the UK) She’s such a sweety. She’s stuck in the Czech Republic and all she asks is do I want a gingerbread heart.

Distinguished delegate from the UK: Bless.

Dad: (To Gamma) Be sure and let me know when you’re back on a train in to town and when you arrive and are you okay. Also I don’t think you can buy a heart w/o Czech crowns. you only have euro on you right?

Gamma: Oh, right.

Dad: (To DDFUTK) We might be taking a drive up to the Czech Republic tonight. I’ll go home and charge my satnav thing just in case. There’s the exit we take when we go there.

DDFTUK: Don’t you have a power cord for the lighter?

Dad: Sure I do, but the jack got bent I think.

Dad: (To Beta) Heard from your sister?

Beta: No.

Dad: (To Gamma) So, you on the train?

Gamma: Nah, I missed it.

Dad: (To DDFTUK) She missed it. My sweet little 14 yr old daughter is stuck in the Czech Republic in the middle of the night with a broken leg. What could possibly go wrong?

Dad: Also the battery in my mobile phone is going dead.

DDFTUK: You seem relatively calm about it.

Gamma: There’s another one in like an hour.

Beta: So what’s up with Gamma?

Dad: !!!blah blah You heard from her?

Beta: Er, yeah, she’s here with me.

Dad: ????!?? OMG. Excellent one, you guys. You each get 5 Euro for putting one over on me like that.

Dad: (Describes situation to DDFTUK)

DDFTUK: You’ve been punked.

Beta: Wow, I’m so proud of you for taking it so well!

Dad: You guys are brilliant. You were like those two dinosaurs in Jurassic Park who hunted that hunter guy.

Gamma: (later, text message) Srry, Beta was bored.

Gamma: (Later) (Gives dad gingerbread heart with “Papa ist ein Goldschatz” written on it in frosting.

Dad: Aw.

So anyway, let me know if this works for you.


We are leaving for Bali in about an hour. My wife’s parents are housesitting. Also our cats.

I hear there are a lot of monkeys on Bali, so I figure if I start missing the cats I’ll make friends with a monkey and teach it to scratch all my things and scratch the door and beg and leave hair on everything.

Actually, I hear the monkeys on Bali steal your glasses right off your face, and you can’t do anything to them because they’re sacred.

Gamma has already asked what the drinking age is in Bali (18, not strictly enforced, don’t leave your drink unattended in a club, thanks Internet).

Gamma has also informed us she will not be snorkeling, which is something I on the other hand am looking forward to.

Fun with Gamma

My sense of humor seems to be matching Gamma’s pretty well lately. We were smelling shower soaps at the supermarket last Saturday, standing there in the aisle and making fun of the loopy names and scents and laughing our heads off.

She’s 12 now, with all that entails.

We have a family tradition of stealing one another’s food. It goes back generations but has been perfected by Gamma and the cats. Gamma would rather steal your food than share it with you when you offer.

Last night I offered her the last tomato soup, for example. No thanks, she said. Then she yelled at the cat to get out of the living room. I jumped up and searched the living room, yelling all the while at a hypothetical cat which may or may not have been in the living room but is definitely not allowed to be in there. When I returned to the kitchen without spotting the cat, Gamma was polishing off the tomato soup and laughing and laughing.

The game of life

It is the weekend. Alpha and I are having a glass of wine (each) and playing the Game of Life with Gamma, and joking about each other’s playing styles, (e.g. Alpha buys every sort of insurance available and ends up with a higher income and lives in a nice house*, while Mig buys no insurance, lives in a trailer and is An Artist, and Gamma is a police officer AND the banker, and gets $5000 every time someone spins a 10 (speeding ticket), which Alpha does with statistically-improbable regularity, while Mig never does) and theorizing about what that says about each other. Gamma does a great job with the bank and keeping track of things.

“If I ever open up an Irish pub, I’ll hire you to be the bartender,” says Mig to Gamma. “You’re funny and charming and good with money.”

“And I have eleven years experience dealing with drunks,” says Gamma.

*and ultimately wins the game

Sunrise this morning

Gamma took pictures of the sun on our way to school this morning. Here are a few: