Oh yeah, and

I was going to mention this, but the Aardvark beat me to it.

5 responses to “Oh yeah, and

  1. It’s amazing how he can just out and out lie, and nothing happens. Does the media really know so little about Austria? All these constant little lies from all these politicians add up to a huge moral vacuum; and we’re totally ignoring the big, nasty lies, here, which are another story.

    It positively boggles the mind.

    I can’t decide whether to cry, throw something or go somewhere and spit up.

  2. The Republicans lie about everything, and their constituents lap it up. But then these are folks who believe (seriously. like in every day life they refer to it) in the 6-day creation story from Genesis I.
    This article (http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/09/02/cheney_convention/index_np.html) points out some of the other doozies from the Republican convention. Many of us here in CA wished Arnold had stayed longer, as it kept him out of our affairs. I imagine just as many watched his speech but missed the gaffs as they were too busy yelling “Terminator!” at their screens.

  3. gordon

    Yes, the media really knows so little about Austria. They don’t even have a firm grasp on _American_ history. Several outlets misreported that Arnold claimed he became a Republican during a Nixon/Humphrey 1968 debate. If that’s what they thought he said, they should have jumped on him for it: I don’t think it’s too much to ask that political reporters (or their editors) know that Nixon rather famously refused to debate Humphrey.

  4. Great piece, I had to link to it from my site as well… Might be helpful for those of us in the US who are weak on our Austria history.

    But I do know that “Der Kommisar” was Austrian and not German, I’m not a complete idiot. :-)

  5. Here is a really surprising development “Bush’s National Guard File Missing Records”
    http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=5&u=/ap/20040905/ap_on_el_pr/bush_national_guard Wow, I am REALLY surprised by this, aren’t you?