Winning friends

Not sure about the rest of me, but my skin made it through the generations from my original cave-dwelling, nocturnal Irish ancestors unchanged: pale as hell. In summer, I go from lily-white to burn straight to carcinoma, skipping the tanning phase entirely. So when I actually acquired a little color this summer vacation from all the time spent outside in all the wonderful weather we got, I was quite happy and even proud.
Which frame of mind resulted in this conversation when I returned to work and a plump and saucy young co-worker welcomed me back to work.
PASYCW: Weren’t you on vacation?
Me: Yeah. [??]
PASYCW: But… I thought you’d go somewhere south or something.
Me: [??] Huh?
PASYCW: Cause your skin… you’re not very brown. [Note: she is Asian, and therefore tans quite easily and deeply]
Me: Are you kidding? This is the brownest I’ve ever been. [Hold out arm, pointing out contrast between white sleeve and sort of tan arm]
PASYCW: [Raises eyebrows skeptically]
Me: BTW, I had a dream about you.
PASYCW: Really? What did I do?
Me: [Oops] Eh, nothing really.
PASYCW: How interesting. [Cute smile]
Me: I mean, not much was going on.
PASYCW: Uh huh.
Me: It was just, you had fat legs in the dream. [Elephantine, actually, in the dream.]
PASYCW: Really. [Looks down at her own legs]
Me: Heh! Only in the dream, heh. It was just a dream!
PASYCW: Fat legs.
Me: Just in the dream! You have really nice legs. Not fat.
PASYCW: Well, I’d better distribute these documents.
Me: Sexy legs. Not fat. Bye!

3 responses to “Winning friends

  1. gordon

    Should’ve told her about the “you were God” dream instead.

    On the other hand, she did raise her eyebrows skeptically at your tan.

  2. I guess your ‘stop my mouth’ button was still on vacation?

  3. mig

    Never raise your eyebrows at my tan.

    I’m going to try the god dream on people and see how that works.