What would a conservative do? Why, with all that Bush and those around him have botched, are they still in control of public discourse? Democratic convention? Economy tanking? Environmental degradation? Civil liberties under attack? Here, have another vague warning instead.

Today, the metamorphosism public discourse domination award goes to those spotlighting Kerry’s real military service while managing to avoid any discussion whatsoever of the complete evasion by our “War” “President” Bush of any combat service, and most likely his evasion of any real military service whatsoever.

Another thing: let’s have a betting pool (void where prohibited by law) on what pre-election scary things are going to happen, and when; both warnings of scary things and actual scary things, as well as suspected scary things that may have happened, or may not have happened but were narrowly prevented, and scary things that have not happened yet but still might we just don’t know when although we’re working on it night and day.

And another thing: I want a campaign button-type-thing with a picture of the current “President” and “Vice-President” on it together with the slogan, “Go fuck yourself, who cares what you think.”

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