So, like,

is MT the best blogging tool or is there something else out there that’s simple to install, stable, free and doesn’t take for fucking ever to delete comment spam?

11 responses to “So, like,

  1. Quite a few people are raving about WordPress and Expression Engine.

    WordPress examples: and

    Expression Engine example:

  2. David thanks for the plug, found this via my referrer logs.

    I would recommend looking at the blog software breakdown for features of the various scripts.

    Expression Engline is great, but the price tag is a little hefty. If you are technically sound I would ecommend drupal as it is also very very powerful.

    Hope you find what you are looking for.

  3. WordPress as I have it set up requires approval of comments before posting them to the site. I don’t think MT offered this option… It does mean paying more attention to comments (and the possibility that people will multi-post, if they don’t see their comment go up when they hit refresh)… In any case, the spam seems to be a great deal less with WordPress (I used to delete several a day; I’ve gotten one spam in the two weeks since switching, so… that’s an improvement!)

    The techgeek who set it up for me says WordPress is a lot easier to deal with… it also seems easier to me, which is saying a lot right there.

  4. mig, are you using mt-blacklist? my comment spam has dropped to almost nothing since i started using it.

  5. Ditto what ratty said. That and shutting off comments on old posts. They like to hit the old ones, thinking that you won’t notice (I guess).

  6. mig

    I use MT Blacklist and it’s been stopping some of them, but a few made it through lately and left 3000+ comments (in older posts) that I’m still deleting. I have been taking the advice to close comments on older posts, but only in the last week, and that takes forever with MT, to go back and reset all that individually. Post-by-post.

  7. WordPress! :) I switched from MT to wordpress a couple weeks back. I got 95 spam comments this weekend and only 3 went live. I added a word to my filter to catch those three so those wont happen again. MT doesnt have that. It took me seconds to delete all 95 without the public ever seeing them :)

    Its super easy to install wordpress and import your MT entries and comments. WordPress doesnt have a ‘rebuild’ everything is live right away. I’ve found lots of stuff in wordpress that made me wonder why I ever used MT to begin with :)

  8. I switched from MT to Pivot ( and I’m loving it so far!

  9. I like WordPress. The way things are set up right now are a little annoying, but I don’t have time to change things (like putting comments in a little window). Blogspam is easy to deal with, as people have said.