A dip in the pool

  1. Do not assemble pool after dark. Seriously.

I looked, but was unable to find a post about the actual assembly of our large wading pool anywhere in my archives. So I took the old one apart and built another one exactly the same on the same spot this weekend.

It’s been very wet here this summer and the wall along the stairs leading from the backyard into the cellar has been damp. We thought maybe the pool was leaking. So we thought about replacing it. The metal side of the pool was a little bent in one spot, and we found one small hole in the lining which I fixed but still. It occurred to us that maybe the pool wasn’t the problem after all, just the wet weather. Later we even became convinced of this, but by this time it was too late, we were too suspicious of the pool and it had to go.

We had this image in our heads of the pool exploding when filled, and inundating our cellar.

So I took it apart. Then I made the spot as perfectly level as I could, with a gentle incline towards the neighbors’ backyard, so if it ever did explode, they would get the water.

New pools were on sale at the hardware store. However, my wife insisted I get one of the blanket things you put underneath to protect the vinyl lining, and they cost an extra

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