All you need

Is love. Love is all you need.

And maybe a smoke, or a nice cold drink.

PS that reminds me, if any of you have a good mojito recipe, please leave it in the comments: this is the summer Beta learns to mix a mojito.

7 responses to “All you need


    This one looks good.

    All you need is love and a snack.

  2. mig

    yes it does, and it also looks simpler than another recipe i found, that required one to make a sugar/water syrup in advance.

  3. kay

    i can say a big yup to that recipe. it’s the one i use and i love my mojito.

  4. paul

    I had a mojito and it was “interesting”. But I got a little more love when my 9 year old daughter made me a smoothie with strawberries she had picked today…

  5. i THINK it was in an interview with george martin, and he said (and i’m quoting for substance here, rather than verbatim transcription)
    of course we have to remember that the beatles were already quite wealthy at the time, so a lot of their physical comforts were not really an issue.

    so, all you need is enough money to have your own cabana boy, and after he has repaired the hole in the pool and refilled it with sparkling water, he can prepare you a nice mojito and then maybe even expertly massage in a layer of sunscreen around your nicotine patch. and then you can start thinking about needing the love.

    or, you know, make your own mojito and live on in the confidence that, fan mail aside*, you probably have some of the best love available to humans already. as you know.

    *fan mail being probably genuinely affectionate, or at least mine is, but also with that kind of “love” you get into the whole “but would they really REALLY love me if i ceased to create the things they love? am i myself or my product?” and you know, fame is a messy spiral.

  6. okay, i’m sorry, it’s funny that you lose your mojo and then you’re looking for a mojito. like, a wee little mojo, with… crushed mint.

  7. j-a

    mojo is a character from the powerpuff girls.

    a good recipe for a mojito: take plane, get on airport express, get off airport express, take taxi to ‘d’apartment’, order mojito. relax.