What are the media coming to? (Guest post by Janis Joplin)

(Recent photo of Janis Joplin and her good friend Jim Morrison)

Normally I’m a private person but I’m taking Mig up on his offer (thanks, Mig!) to give me a soapbox to express my dismay at the recent hoax involving reports that Andy Kaufman had faked his death. Extremely poor taste, people. Janet Jackson’s nipple is nothing next to this.

One response to “What are the media coming to? (Guest post by Janis Joplin)

  1. janis, you are absolutely not allowed to diss the media if you are alive and yet failed to prevent mercedes benz from using your song to sell their cars.

    however, you use the plural of media so i can’t hate you. i just… can’t forgive you.