N*tes fr*m teh dr*gs c*nf3Renc3

For obvious reasons, I would never ever p*st anything ab*ut w*rk here, because it w*uld require the use of t** many 4st3r15k5.

S0, 54y, w3r3 1 3v3R 2 4tt3nd 4n 1nt3rn4ti0n4L c0nf3r*nc3 on n4rc0t1x 4nD h3R3 50m3th1nG L1k3 +H3 f0LL0w1nG, 1 w0uLdn+ B 4BL3 T0 bL0g 1+:

C*nf3r3nc3 PR351d3nT: Teh h0n*ur4bL3 D3L3g4+3 fr0m teh R3p*bl1C 0F Blah-blah h45 teh fl00R.

D3L3g4t3: 1 Th4nk t3h pr351d3N+ 4 teh fl00R. 1 j*5+ W4Nt3D 2 r3M1Nd t3h 0Th3R d3L3g4t35 tH4+ W3’R3 53rv1nG Dr1nK5 4fT3R teh M33t1nG.

& tH3y w3r3. M05tly w1ne. 1 h4d 0r4ng3 ju1c3, b3(4us3 1 w45 SL33py 4Lr34dY.

4L50, teh sm0k1nG 4R34 w45 P4(k3D.

8 responses to “N*tes fr*m teh dr*gs c*nf3Renc3

  1. \/\/h0 b3++3R 2 51t ar0und +4lk1ng ab0u+ n4rcotix +h4n 4 buNch 0f 1nt3rn4ti0n4l 4lc0hl1c 5m0k3rs?

    2 b4d U c4n’t +4ke p1c+ures w1+h y0ur t13-cL1p c4m3ra.

  2. I have a headache now. ;)

  3. mig

    1 H4\/3 P41|\|K1LL3R5!!

  4. Something about n4rc0t1cs?

    [sorry, melly, but i altered your comment slightly...]

  5. will your (h34P P41|\|K1LL3R5 cure the tic i now have??

  6. h0\/\/ 1r0|\|1(. 4|\|d h4rD 2 +yp3.

  7. Man, it’s a good thing I have my leet=English translator plug-in for Firefox. But I think I need the extra irony algorithm to really “get” your post.
