Thank you for your patience

Humor, the really good kind, has been thin on the ground here lately, I realize that. So you will understand my sigh of relief when my turtle woke up a few days ago. Funny turtle posts are just a matter of time.

Nothing funnier than a turtle, is there.

She’ll do something funny soon, and I’ll post it immediately.

Even without the humor aspect, I’m always relieved when she emerges from hibernation, because not being accustomed to pets that hibernate, I’m never really convinced she’s not dead only sleeping.

She’s still not firing on all cylinders yet, so she’s still moping around being serious. But it’s only a matter of time.

“She”, I say. I’m just guessing. We read in the turtle book that you could sex them by looking at the shape of the shell around their tail. Her’s is distinctly female-shaped.

She was eating a little today. Lettuce and turtle sausages, little pellet things. So it may be a while before that works its way thru her system and she defecates and walks in it and the kitchen floor looks like something by Jackson Pollack.

She was definitely more alert today, though, than yesterday.

Day before yesterday, it was warm so they put her outside and then couldn’t find her, although she was in her habitat. That’s escape-proof, man, I made sure of that. But they went out for her (it was after dark) and couldn’t find her. Called me at *work* to report it, as if I could do anything.

They thought she’d burrowed down. She was hiding behind her birdhouse when I looked for her the next morning.

Is that funny? Not especially…

Just wait, though.

10 responses to “Thank you for your patience

  1. sue

    I had a turtle for about five years or so back in the 70s, but it never hibernated. That could have been because it was a slider turtle (liked to be in or near water) and used to semi-tropical weather. He? had quite an appetite, always hungry. In our demented way we named him Budapest (Bud for short) because he was always “hungary.”

  2. Oh, yes. Just you wait.

  3. There’s certainly nothing funny about being at work when it’s gotten dark out. And as for full-time humor, well, screw that. To me, a person’s blog should reflect whatever they’re going through- both good and bad, ’cause that’s how life is. I don’t trust, and therefore rarely read, blogs that are more like ‘zines with canned content which has been santized for the author’s protection- because how boring is that? That said, I do hope this spell passes and things improve for you at work or whatever :-)

  4. j-a

    how old is your turtle?

  5. mig

    She’ll be 7 on 1 May this year, just like Gamma. They’re twins.

  6. what chris said.

  7. weird…i did a google search for “sex up a turtle” and wound up back at your site. no wonder you missed her…. :)

  8. D

    Bring it on. This is the content I live for.

  9. Zizka

    Don’t put your turtle in your mouth. There’s some kind of disease they carry. Also, don’t eat scrambled eggs and squirrel brains.

  10. mig

    Salmonella. My turtle wouldn’t fit in my mouth. For some reason, that makes me think of Richard Gere.

    I find squirrel brains work better as canapes on Ritz Crackers. Judgement call, though, whether or not to tell the guests what they are.