Family values

Unfortunately, the recent amnesty for irregular immigration to the United States does not apply to you if you are a talented, popular piano teacher with all your family — including husband and small child — in the United States and none back in Russia, and you were tricked by a former boyfriend into making false and even fraudulent statements in your immigration papers.

The letter of the law says she has to return to a life that no longer exists. This is really sad. I urge the authorities to let her stay, and I urge “mainstream” “media” to look further into her story.

[Via Vex]

6 responses to “Family values

  1. Vex

    Thanks, Mig! and for your suggestion, too–I’ve archived the story, in case it disappears.
    #One “New World: Gods of Shit” coming up!

  2. zizka

    INS bureaucrats are the worst of the worst, with a wide streak of meanness laid on top of an even wider streak of stupidity, and the usual tunnel vision characteristic of any bureaucracy. And on top of that they’ve been tossed a bunch of political footballs that no one’s really very serious about (Mexicans, terrorists), but which something has to seem to be done about.

    If the piano teacher was case 463728, case 463729 was probably a terrorist who breezed through like a charm.

  3. j-a

    that is terrible!!!

  4. Kate

    gracias, miguel; this touched me heart (as say the irish).

  5. Yana

    Thank you for your support.
    It is good to know that somebody cares about me and my family.