The tension in the room was as palpable as pea soup

She: and the vet said, cats can’t cry.
He: [eyes narrow to slits in reaction to what sounds like an apology for cats.] …

She: and so they have to do other things.
He: [has an image of himself standing next to the tub, pissing onto the bath mat] …
She: [leaves room]
He: [looks at cat] …
Cat: [looks at man] …
He: [looks at cat] …
Cat: [looks at man, then licks own asshole] …

He: [waits for cat to finish, then places it gently on his lap] Kitty. [pets cat affectionately] Little kitty-witty.
Cat: Prrrr.
He: Good little guy at heart, aren’t you. We never thought about that did we. [continues petting cat.]
Cat: Prrrr.
He: Daddy’s little kitty. Good little guy. C’mon. C’mere. Yeah. You like that?
Cat: Prrrr.
He: Prrr. Yeahhhh. [whispers] Listen, you ever cry on the bathmat again, I’ll give you something to fucking cry about, you unnerstand?
He: [scratches cat under chin] Good little kitty.

Cat: Prrr.

5 responses to “The tension in the room was as palpable as pea soup

  1. Kris

    This should make you feel better. Our cat (in a fit of possessive, I-must-mark-you-as-MY-human type angst) backed up to my SO and pissed on his head. I only *just* managed to convince said SO not to piss on cat’s head in retaliation. :P

    Needless to say, the cat was neutered the following week.

  2. mig

    However did you persuade him?

    This cat likes to stand next to the toilet while I stand there, peeing, and it’s so tempting to move the stream over a foot. But I don’t think that would be smart, in the long run, starting a piss war with a cat.

  3. So after your conversation, did the cat immediately piss onthe bathmat? They tend not to deal well with threats. Or reason. Or, well, anything.

  4. Hey…did you miss me? We haven’t chatted in awhile but I started reading your website again…once again…you made me almost pee my pants….:)

  5. mig

    The cat is responding well to affection, believe it or not.

    (Of course I missed you terribly Amy.)