
Girl: MGwulggwul.
Dad: [translating] Her mentor said…
Girl: Mgwulggwul.
Dad: She’s going to France for a semester…
Girl: Mgwulggwul.
Mom: Look, would you please just take out the retainer so I can understand you?
Girl: Mgwulggwul.
Dad: She says, Dad understands me.
Mom: Take out the retainer.
Girl: Mgwulggwul.
Dad: It has spit on it.
Girl: Mgwulggwul.
Mom: So what, it’s your spit.
Girl: [removes retainer, wipes finger on dad's pants] Still…
Mom: I mean, it’s not like when your father peels a tangerine and then licks all the sections so no one else steals them from him…
Dad: Mgwulggwul.

2 responses to “Tangerine

  1. Matthew Weymar

    That’s pretty good.

  2. j-a

    i like that part about the spit…