You know that hysterical screech where you wonder, is a cat getting its ass kicked out on the porch, or are women of two generations having a big fight?
Sometimes you think, it’s hard to be a man, and sometimes you think it’s a good deal.
And sometimes you’re glad Hallowe’en comes just once a year. The kids decided to have a party and 45 people got invited, somehow. Luckily some can’t make it. But the cellar is scary now, and the fakey spiderwebs are stretched in the kitchen, and four jack-o’lanterns have been artfully carved. The big one, I thought, this pumpkin would look good with a Buddy Hackett expression, and I managed to give it one. At least, it reminds me vaguely of Mr. Hackett. I doubt that many trick-or-treaters are going to make that conceptual leap. “Trick or treat! Hey, Mr. Living, great Buddy Hackett jack-o’lantern! I enjoyed him in ‘God’s Little Acre’.”
Boo-ddha Hackett would have approved :-)