Live from a glass box over the Thames

Exit polls at the cottage cheese vote indicate a strong likelihood that I’ll be eating the cottage cheese tomorrow. In order to prepare my stomach for possible food poisoning, Beta and I listened to a cassette we found in the clown car while driving into Vienna this morning. Said cassette has a picture of the band on the front, four or five grown men in Lederhosen, and is filled with music to match. Mucho accordeon, yodeling and a clarinet doing klezmer-style scales.

My throat is still sore from going “yee-haw” very loudly, and repeatedly, in traffic, to Beta’s apparent shock and amusement. That is what you do when you hear that sort of music, you see.

Bring on the cheese.

4 responses to “Live from a glass box over the Thames

  1. Yikes! My father-in-common-law listens to that stuff. It makes me extremely nervous in an oompah-oompah sort of way.

  2. If you really must eat the cottage cheese, fine, but don’t come crying to me, buddy.

  3. I’m sending you a Flipper cdm with some Polkacide stuck on the end.

  4. I’m sending you a Flipper cd, with some Polkacide stuck on the end.