Attack of the very, very small spiders

  1. The sunny sides of our house – south and, um, east were very seedy looking with hundreds of little black spider nests. After some debate it was decided that I would sweep them off with a broom with a long stick attached to the handle to make it longer, rather than squirt them off with a hose. It didn’t take as long as I’d expected, nor was the slapstick as pronounced as I’d thought it would be, and the house looks presentable again with no spiders on it.

  2. Sitting outside on a balmy evening at a nice wine tavern out in the country, orange sunset fading to etc etc, we were plagued both by waitresses bringing us plates of Grammelkn

One response to “Attack of the very, very small spiders

  1. sporkbot

    ah, the mysterious yet ubiquitous peanut meat, how we worship thee.