Alpha just left for Carinthia with her father, to pick up her mother who was getting massages because she got a fresh knee, is my understanding. Beta is in Vienna preparing for a visit to Indonesia. Gamma just sent us an SMS from London, BIN LEBEND ANGEKOMMEN (“I arrived alive”).
There have been ads for a show on television recently, something something SOLITARY CONFINEMENT something, with images of people freaking out because they can’t take 9 days alone. What could be easier? I thought.
Except. Ignoring people who are here is easier to take, it turns out, than dealing with their absence.
Despite the list of activities my wife gave me before she left.
And the list I have myself. Water garden. Tie up tomatoes. Filter pool. Yell at cats and chase them around. Chat with tortoise. Play cello, which has brand new Larsen strings and sounds amazng now.
And other stuff. Walks and stuff. Sleep. Icecream straight out of the container.
Talk to yer old pal Anne! Skip town and come and work on the cottage. It is suffocatingly hot and there is lots of tar to work with and stuff.
It is suffocatingly hot here, too.
But: tar. Mmm. Tempting.
“Ignoring people who are here is easier to take, it turns out, than dealing with their absence.”
pretty damn true.