Convergent Evolution

Hanging out at the UN magazine rack today, I carefully studied the cover of a Vanity Fair. It depicted a gaggle of Hollywood stars. I prayed I would age like Jack Nicholson and not like Harrison Ford, who looks more like one of my aunts every year.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

4 responses to “Convergent Evolution

  1. Kris Hasson-Jones

    Oh yes. I was saddened and a little revolted seeing him on the Oscars last night–he is not aging well, unlike, say, Peter O’Toole or Jack Nicholson. Or even Kirk Douglas.

  2. L O freaking L…

    Yes, it would be a significant consolation to be able to age gracefully and not wind up tatooed with life’s bad experiences for the remainder of your time on earth. To age like Robert Redford, Paul Newman or Robert Wagner would be a blessing.

  3. mig

    Kirk Douglas, yeah (but not Michael Douglas); Paul Newman sets a really high standard for old guys, doesn’t he. Robert Wagner, I dunno. He always seemed a bit on the cheesy side to me. I mean, if you’re going to put him on the list, why not Dick Clark too? My own dad aged pretty well, and some of my uncles. Iggy Pop, what’s-his-face Lou Reed, Leonard Cohen, they’re not bad either.

  4. Michael Douglas seems older than all of the guys mentioned, including his own dad. I think being married to CZJ just emphasizes his withered-old-manness.

    Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward are the most graceful and well-aged couple in Hollywood, imo.

    Btw, HI MIGUEL!