Voice recording request

As previously mentioned a couple days ago, I need recordings of you reading your shopping list/shopping receipt for a composition I am working on.

The composition is for theremin, voice (spoken and soprano) and cash register.

I need voice recordings of people reading, say, the last ten or so things they have purchased, with or without prices. I.e., “milk, $2. oranges, $3″ or “automobile, €20,000″. Or whatever. “Shirt, stereo, earrings, kitten.”

Please mail to metamorphosist@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance.

2 responses to “Voice recording request

  1. have you ever listened to any of Phillip Bimstein’s work? He does a lot of instrumental with found sound type compositions!


    This a link to a piece he did for desert animals and solo oboe entitled “Half Moon at Checkerboard Mesa”

    Hope you enjoy it and have a nice holiday. :-)

  2. mig

    thanks for the link, rachael, i’ll give it a listen as soon as there is a lull in the chaos. i hadn’t heard of him.
    nice holidays to you, too.