Mixed results

Turns out the Vienna Art History Museum was closed today, sorry Pat. Luckily Pat is an agreeable sort. He didn’t mind that the hotdog stand had no vegetarian options, either, because he met an Austrian blogger, Lisi, by talking to her in Dutch, which she found amusing, I hope, although I would have found it frightening in her shoes. Luckily the Natural History Museum across from the Art History Museum was open and we went and looked at mummies for a while before walking around. Mummies were used in medicine in the renaissance, and there was a big market for them, leading to the production of counterfeit mummies.

One funny thing, for me, about hanging out with young single guys is meeting chicks again. Some Iowan university has an exchange program in Vienna – I met a bunch of those people when I was a student here 20 years ago – and Space met two Iowan women today as well and spent the rest of the day comparing Vienna to Iowa, which was funny. Tomorrow we’re meeting them again at an Irish pub.

3 responses to “Mixed results

  1. kd

    so, space is like, what is that 8000 miles from home, picking up on chicks from… IOWA? couldn’t he do that in IOWA?

    wow. it’s a strange world we live in.

  2. Let me just remind you now: lavender lotion. And vanilla. Get those hands limbered up!

  3. I am feeling like a complete idiot, but Irish pubs in Veinna. Somehow I just can’t wrap my mind around that concept.
    Hope you are all having a great time.