Golf game

A nematode, a group of self-organizing slime mold cells and a brown bat are playing golf.
“I’m just sick about the Germany-Turkey game,” says the nematode.
“Fucking Ballack, man,” says the self-organizing slime mold cells.
“I hate Ballack too,” says the brown bat. “Hate him.”
“Worst thing is he’s so good,” says the nematode.
“I hate his face,” says the self-organizing slime mold cells.
“Damn, I wanted the Turks to win,” says the brown bat.

Then they get into an argument over which is better, joy or happiness.
“That’s where America went wrong,” says the nematode. “Enshrining the pursuit of happiness like that. Like happiness is a sensible goal.”
“I’m all about joy,” says the self-organizing slime mold cells.
“I’ll tell you where America went wrong,” says the brown bat. “It went wrong in the 1970s when Jane Fonda got everyone going on the aerobics thing.”
“I think it was the eighties,” says the nematode.
“Late seventies and early eighties,” says the self-organizing slime mold cells.
“That’s where the country went wrong. There was a fork in the road and they took it,” says the brown bat.
“Yogi Berra,” says the nematode.
“What would the other option have been,” says the self-organizing slime mold cells.
Solid Potato Salad,” says the brown bat.
“Awesome,” says the nematode.

9 responses to “Golf game

  1. pam

    1. I wanted the Turks to win too. And what do I know from futbol?

    2. They don’t make girl groups like they used to. The Pussycat Dolls should have watched that over and over and over again.

  2. mw

    Now that’s what I call multi-tasking

  3. mw

    Now that’s what I call multi-tasking

  4. it’s a groovy, moovey salad, Jack.

  5. Jann

    Happiness is an unrealistic goal; peace of mind is what one should hope for. Joy is always possible, and easy to find if one is open to it…

    But you guys are all too young! America went wrong in the late sixties, when the some members of the “hippie” movement decided that students should not get grades, but just pass/fail (of course the mediocre never want to be distinguished from the outstanding). To some extent at least some colleges and universities went along with this, and thus started the long and continuing decline of the educational system in America. Of course, there are many other factors involved…, but one unassailble fact: democracy cannot work without an educated populace!

    And, of course, I, also, wanted the Turks to win.



  7. k

    “I hate his face,” says the self-organizing slime mold cells.”

    haha. i don’t know why this line made me laugh out loud, but hey, thanks.

  8. zeynep

    Hi Mig,
    Thanks for the solid potato salad, the ross sisters made my day but I am still depressed over the Turkey-Germany game.. especially after germans played so badly agains the spanish…
    Self organizing slime mold cells are very wise creatures..

  9. Andy

    I’m just happy that you finally got around to Dictyostelium, or at least that’s the species of slime mold I choose to believe you’re talking about. They’re useful. One of my friends studies them, they work like neutrophils. They have a Mexican Hat stage in their life cycle, which makes them hard to beat.

    This comment does make sense, despite first appearances.