Little-known facts about the Amazon Molly


  • Native to Texas, the amazon molly, or poecilia formosa, is always female.

  • They reproduce gynogenetically, by mating with males of related species, whose sperm stimulate egg development without contributing genetic material, with the result that offspring are genetic clones of the mother.
  • Or do they?
  • Maybe the males of the species just to have their existential crises in private.
  • It is possible that, while the females are interrupting the mating rituals of the poecilia mexicana or poecilia latipinna with the result that sperm from the confused males of this species enter poecilia formosa egg cells, the males are driving down the street in a wind storm, watching trees break and blow into traffic, thinking, one good thing about global warming is at least the storms are more entertaining.
  • It is not conclusively proven that the males don’t wake up at 3 AM with a splitting headache after drinking what turned out to be bad wine and eating what may have been bad cold cuts and finally puke, which makes the headache worse but then better although they can’t really fall asleep again so they get up and make coffee and pack lunches.
  • It is not unthinkable that a male, when he drives his daughter to the train station for her final school-leaving graduation ultra-test, sits and blocks traffic while he watches her until she is out of sight.
  • The maximum size of the amazon molly is 9.6 cm.
  • They commonly live over mud.

One response to “Little-known facts about the Amazon Molly

  1. I love the way this flows from the matter-of-fact to the “highly speculative” and back. But you’re absolutely right: none of this can be conclusively disproven. As my eighth grade science teacher said, and I quote, “Theoretically it’s possible for me to grow another head by tomorrow, but you can’t have a square triangle.” But I wonder if these mollies are as concerned about fuel efficiency as they should be…