Little-known facts about krill


  • Krill have more biomass than any other organism1.

  • The eyes of krill are high in vitamin A.
  • Most krill glow in the dark, which makes you wonder how smart it is for them to hide from predators in the darkest depths of the ocean.
  • When krill go to an electronics shop to purchase a cord for an Apple iBook, the saleswoman sells them a cord for an iPod, and although the krill inspect it in the store, they don’t notice the big letters on the box reading “iPod” until they get back to their office.
  • Krill young have iPods, so it’s no big deal with the cord though.
  • When krill, during the same visit to the electronics shop, also purchase a new cell phone because the zero on their old one broke, and they ask for a simple one with no doodads such as cameras, and the same saleswoman tells them, oh, sir, none of these cheap ones here have cameras, and they buy one, they later discover, messing around with the new phone while taking a train to Brno in the Czech Republic, that the new phone happens to have a camera after all, a crappy little one that they can’t figure out how to upload the pictures anywhere else but still; and the krill find the crappy little camera nifty in a retro way.
  • Whereas humans can paint a bedroom with no more than two coats of paint and it looks okay, krill need two entire weekends, as well as an extra day during the week, and a total of eight coats: one coat of creamy yellow, three coats of dark red, two coats of transparent gold effect paint, another coat of dark red over that when they realize the transparent gold effect paint is never going to look good, and a sponged-on coat of opaque shiny gold paint over that.
  • While sponging on the final coat of gold, male krill have no patience for female krill telling them they’re overdoing it with the gold. Luckily, adolescent krill thinks it looks okay.
  • The average krill is 16 mm in length.
  • Krill resent being mistaken for shrimp, which happens often, especially at cocktail parties.

1You might want to double-check this particular fact before using it in a report for school.

7 responses to “Little-known facts about krill

  1. R.

    It’s the misunderstanding of why it takes them so long to paint properly that really gets to them.

  2. Tim

    From wikipedia;

    Most of the species display large daily vertical migrations making a significant amount of biomass available as food for predators near the surface at night and in deeper waters during the day.

    The name Krill comes from the Norwegian word krill meaning “young fry of fish”.

    So, yeah. Learn something new everyday.

  3. god.

    i would have topped myself by now – just reading how the wall eventually got painted makes me physically unwell.

  4. I’ve had the bright idea that silver paint might be swell on bedroom walls (and boots and Pebbles-Flintstone-style mini-dresses and of course matching are-you-sure-this-was-sterilized steer femurs), before, and it only ended up making the room look tiny. And shiny. Mirrors helped modulate both the shininess and tinitude.

    You’re a saint for following through with the paint job, imho. Especially after the shock of the lady krill dyeing your hair. Is your hair (and nails and elbows and eyelashes) sparkly now?

  5. Paul

    Krill Kills….

    Doesn’t mean anything, but sounds kind of cool, maybe I can round up some money for some Public Service Announcements…

    Krill Kills…

  6. tay

    wow this is the first time i ever heard of krill