
“Gamma told me last night that she tests whether you’re listening or not.”

“That’s nice.”

“She says she can say anything she wants and you agree to it.”


“She says the weirdest things she can think of, and you say okay.”

“Mmm hmm.”

“If you’re listening, she says, you catch on right away.”


“Otherwise, she can get you to agree to about five weird things before it dawns on you.”

“Cool. Hang on. Wait, what?”

14 responses to “Okay

  1. TH

    Reading or while sitting at the computer?

    When I’m at the computer or in a book, you can easily get me to agree that the sky is an amber shade of violet.

  2. mig

    Reading the newspaper, I mean. No, wait, reading a back issue of “Woman,” the Austrian women’s magazine.

  3. D

    With pictures?

  4. petr deals very well with me when i do, “wait, go back about six sentences, because that’s when i tuned you out, sorry!” most people don’t take it that smoothly, though.

  5. … and then we’re going to Dirtbeard Mike’s Leather and Supply where they were having a special: buy three piercings, get the fourth free! …

  6. mig

    That’s nice.

  7. I know, right??? so I was thinking: lip, eyebrow, septum, but I can’t figure out what the fourth one should be …

  8. aikku

    We have here toast-TVspot: Dad (with newspaper) and two little boys (and a dog) eating breakfast, boys planning playing pirates or something wild and one says (eating toast)”and dog would we a fine crocodile if he does’nt have fur..” Dad hears the crispy toast -sound and says: “that sounds nice” boys leave, dad reads and eats and next thing you hear is noise from that machine you can shave your head.. I laughed at least five first times I saw that spot. That could have been my home, my kids, me reading the paper..

  9. kay

    i do this to my husband. i also do it to people i work with, usually the men.

    i never think men are listening.

  10. oh, so true, the men never listen. even when it completely looks like they are.

  11. I should add that sometimes I don’t listen either, so perhaps it is not just a man thing, but more like a kids talking too much thing.