Hornet queen

Gamma: Dad, how big does a hornet queen get?
Dad: Usually only this big, like about half a hot dog. But I knew one once, when I was your age, that was the size of an economy car. Wouldn’t have fit into this kitchen. Couldn’t fly because she only had little bitty regular hornet sized wings. Same with the legs, so she walked really, really slow. I was scared of her at first because she was so big, but we soon became friends. She had a very acute sense of hearing. And boy, did she love to eat bacon.
Gamma: Mmm, bacon.
Mom: Please, no Luegengeschichten, it’s barely six in the morning. I haven’t had my coffee yet.
Dad: Hehe.
Gamma: Hehe.

Last night, you know, last night I lived in a treehouse at the top of a sequoia and a condor soared around with me in its talons. Clear to the ocean and back.

5 responses to “Hornet queen

  1. hey mig – danke fuer Deine Luegengeschichten, they rock!

  2. j-a

    you should write children’s books.

  3. j-a

    can we order them in advance?

  4. mig

    of course, although that would inxjay the whole ingthay. perhaps i ought to establish a paypal acct so people can pay in advance as well, and really drive a stake through its heart. some sort of subscription – buy two books in advance and i even come to your house and read one to your child at bedtime, sober. actually, j-a, i’d be happy to read one to your kid, if you have one, even if you just check the book out at the library some day.

    listen, i’ve been into the good sauvignon blanc tonight. my inlaws are staying with us and to take the edge off it i poured everyone some of the good wine. what i mean to say is, thanks, j-a. i’m working on it. i have some great ideas, and better still, am doing something with them.