Swear to God, Joseph, a dove!

Gamma and I celebrated Mary getting pregnant yesterday by unexpectedly taking getting the day off and buying some paints and painting a desk I made for her out of scraps around my shop so she has a place to paint and stuff in her playroom. Everyone knew the holiday was coming, even I knew, but it still took me by surprise. Somehow I thought it was not until next week.

I’ll bet Mary was a real fun person to be around. Not only does she get pregnant out of wedlock, she manages to tell such an interesting story about it that Joseph still you know and not only that a whole religion and so on.

I caught Gamma composing yesterday. Sitting at her piano, tinkling away and jotting down notes on a light blue postit pad. It’s called M

4 responses to “Swear to God, Joseph, a dove!

  1. TH

    Actually it’s about Mary’s Mom getting pregnant. (Otherwise 14 days is rather short of a pregnancy or 380 days rather long)

    Or you could understand it as “Maria im Gf

  2. mig

    Hrm. I’d always just figured, super-turbo-divine pregnancy or something.

  3. You can have a do-over in March, for the Feast of the Annunciation. (“Both the scripture and the Church’s exposition of it are clear that this is not simply another instance of “divine rape.” Yheah, right. So there were no swans or bulls involved. Still.)