
Gamma has changed her career plans. She no longer wants to run a disco.

“It will be like a disco, only the lights will be subdued and there will be sofas and there will be lounge music, for people to relax.” Gamma likes lounge music lately.

“You mean a chill-out club.”


Gamma had a friend over for Halloween. They dressed as witches and I took them trick-or-treating. The next day, while Gamma was at her grandparents’, my wife and I did a little housecleaning. First of all, these being seven-year-old girls, there was a ring around the bathtub, like any bathtub ring, except this one glittered. In Gamma’s room, we found a mattress completely covered with toys, hair accessories, bags and other booty. Hundreds of little shiny objects, every single one of them a Hello Kitty product. I guess she was showing them to her friend.

In the playroom… Ah, the playroom. A large plastic bag full of the horse chestnuts Gamma likes to collect, all covered with a wicked fur of mold. Countless containers full of various poisonous-looking potions and stinking mixtures bad enough to make a health-department inspector wince. A soup made of stones and corn. Many unrelated things tied together with string, yarn and/or leather straps. A toy stuffed tiger rendered glittery. Container after container full of smallish objects ordered according to a principle obvious only to Gamma, and perhaps some ancient Lovecraftian being. My personal favorite: inside a baby doll’s crocheted underpants, a plastic scorpion.

Listen, my personal belief is that tiresome parents who brag about their children deserve a special corner in hell, but this girl bears watching.

3 responses to “7even

  1. paul

    I really hate to stick my hands into my daughters coat when it needs washing, who knows what bits of this and that she has picked up off the ground to save, she always has a few chestnuts as well..

  2. j-a

    why does gamma fantasise about being a barfly already? could it be a hereditary trait?

  3. mig

    Could be, there’ve been several in the family.