Condoleeza Rice sex video

If the day went, you know, directly from your morning commute back to bed, that would be best some days. Some days, you would be ahead of the game if they ended right then.
Like, I mean, it’s still pitch dark, you’re in the kitchen head-on-the-table tired waiting for the coffee machine to finish its brewing cycle and while you wait you go outside to look for the moon and it’s warm as a summer evening (16 degrees celsius) and you really have to look for the moon, because although it is full it is in the middle of a total lunar eclipse too.
You finally find it over the neighbor’s house with the barking German shepherd, about 100 degrees from where you expected it (over the neighbor’s house with the biting tortoise), emerging from the Earth’s shadow like a grey pollywog out of its egg sac.
Your wife goes and wakes up the kids so they can see it. They look and go back to bed.
You forget why your wife was mad at you and maybe she does too.
You drink coffee. You forget to eat anything.
The sunrise is the best of all. It’s that nice light again. You wish the sun wouldn’t come up, would just sit there just below the horizon until all the chickens gave up and climbed out of their coops and scratched around the flowerbeds, squinting in the dim golden pink light to see if they turned up anything good.
If you could go to bed right then, you’d be ahead of the game. You’d be sustained sufficiently to begin the next day already.
Just skip work, skip trying to decide what to eat for lunch, or whether to skip lunch and buy some more time for your cell phone. Skip trying to start outlining that novel, skip the drive home and everything else.
You wonder if you could sort of close your eyes and coast through it.
You wonder how long it will take for this depression to peter out.
You wonder, if you found the energy instead, if it could be a productive day, friends won and enemies influenced.
You wonder all sorts of things.

10 responses to “Condoleeza Rice sex video

  1. Please don’t use that title again. :)
    It gives me the creeps just thinking about her and a video.

  2. times like those you need to go dancing in the evening. til the sun comes up again. partner dancing so you get moving around to music cuddle-equivalants all night. dancing is the i-can’t-believe-it-is-exercise exercise that flushes your self clear of lows.

  3. mig

    Yeah, social dancing changed my life. We were going to enroll in another class this fall, but just didn’t have time.

    About the title: a couple sites use my RSS feed for content, and titles like that sure increase the click-through traffic.

  4. D

    Cause it’ll be time to get your civil war on. Yeeha.

  5. D

    What the hey? This comment posted to the wrong post. How did that happen?

  6. mig

    It’s my new context filter, it moves comments to the post where they are most apt.

  7. I think if you put this condaleeza title on the top of your website you will get a lot of hits from pathetic people…

  8. See and over here the eclipse happened just after dark.
    Big bloody red pollywog in the sunset-ish sky.

  9. minas

    Condoleezza Reich

  10. Fred

    I did a google search for GONZOLEEZA and got this instead.